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Object Blog

1/16 Class Reflection

For our first class, we had to create a mock invention of some sort using only stray materials from the BTU lab. My group and I decided to make an E-Bartender. A device where it scans your BAC and determines whether or not you should drink more. If your BAC is not high enough, it will allow you to choose from a selection of alcohols, as seen on the left panel of the machine. Then, the user places his/her cup under the nozzle, and booze of their choice will dispense!

1/16 Class Reflection
1/18 Class Reflection

Our class activity/lab was to create a simple, paper circuit using copper tape, a battery, a switch, and an LED light. I created a simple design, where the LED is supposed to represent light emitted from the sun. I also created a switch, represented as a button, by having two ends of copper tape overlap one another. The batter was placed in the corner of the paper and the LED was placed in the upper corner. 

Lab 01 

Part 1

For the first part of Lab 01, we were to create a simple, paper circuit using copper tape, a batter, a switch and an LED light. I created a simple design where I covered the circuit with construction paper, extruded the LED through the paper, and used the light to represent rays emitted from the sun. I also created a switch, represented as a drawn on button, by having two ends of copper tape over lap one another. 

Part 2

For the second part of lab 01, we were to build two different circuits on our breadboards, one which is parallel, and one which is series. 


I decided to use two green LEDs, which require a 270 ohm resistor. 


I have set up two bread boards. The first one is series, the second one is parallel.

Part 3

For our third part of the lab, we were to create a protoboard that is to live inside a creative enclosure. I decided to go with a parallel circuit for my protoboard. 























I was really struggling to figure out what I should use as my creative enclosure, as my circuit was not soldered in a manner where I could get creative with the installment of it. The LED lights were soldered too close to one another, specifically. I ended up improvising and created a little caterpillar with light-up, green eyes. At least its kind of cute.  

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